“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”
Osgoode Public School students volunteer for school programs and initiatives. Student volunteers serve as leaders for roles such as the milk monitors, lunch monitors, reading buddies, kindergarten helpers and technology assistants. Our students have demonstrated leadership and good sportsmanship at various sporting competitions. Students have the opportunity to express their thoughts on our chosen monthly character trait or quality during classroom discussions. In addition to informal recognition on a regular basis, we also acknowledge exemplary behaviour or academic work at month end Character Assemblies.
Our teachers have a wealth of professional qualifications including Bachelors and Masters degrees in Arts, Education, Physical Education, Sciences and Literacy, as well as additional qualifications in Special Education, French as a Second Language, Reading, Primary Education and Computers in Education. They have actively participated in numerous board-wide professional development activities in literacy and numeracy, and we recognize their initiative by providing and supporting opportunities for further professional growth. We also recognize staff leadership via personal interactions with one another, letters of thanks, school announcements, school newsletters, assemblies, performance appraisals, and our principal’s report to School Council. The four educational assistants are highly qualified, compassionate and hard working as they devotedly support students and teachers. The office administrator and assistant are recognized for their personable personalities and welcoming greetings to all who come into the school office. The warm family atmosphere that they create is commented upon by visitors on a regular basis. Our chief custodian and his evening help keep the school in tip top shape, going above and beyond their expected duties on a regular basis. Our library technician keeps our library in excellent shape, purchasing new books for both the English and French programs.
Last year, our volunteers contributed hundreds of hours of support for the benefit of students in our school. Our dedicated School Council meets monthly and contributes thousands of dollars to support school initiatives. As invaluable partners, we thank our parents, guardians and community volunteers on an ongoing basis, and look for opportunities to acknowledge them and their contributions through school announcements, newsletters, Principal’s Report to School Council, school newsletters, personal words of gratitude, and our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast.
Ottawa Volunteers in Education has provided us with valuable community volunteers who give of their time generously. Our Municipal Councillor George Darouze and Federal MP Pierre Poilièvre have participated and attended various school activities and functions. Our community has contributed to the success of many school fundraising initiatives such as Hot Lunch Days, E-Waste events, Spring Fling, our Meet the Teacher BBQ and Family Picnic in June. We recognize our community partners through Principal’s Report to School Council and thank you cards. We also invite them to events, awards ceremonies, and the Grade 6 Leaving Ceremony.