Our School
Osgoode P.S. currently offers a JK-6 English program and an SK-6 Early French Immersion program. Our EFI program will be expanded by one grade per year until grade 6 when the students will feed into Castor Valley E.S. for Grades 7 and 8, while the English program students will feed into Metcalfe P.S. Our school is proud of its dedication to students, its priority on teamwork and character development, the involvement of parents, and strong community support.
The school, located at 5590 Osgoode Main Street, is a big part of the streetscape in the village of Osgoode, Ontario. It serves a community that is a blend of old, new, rural, village and riverfront development. Our mission is to provide each child with the opportunity to achieve his or her potential in the English or the French program. We endeavour to develop in all our students, social responsibility, positive character traits, critical thinking skills, creativity, academic growth and success to meet learning outcomes and a life-long love of learning. Staff and parents work collaboratively to provide successful, innovative and child-centred learning experiences. Osgoode P.S. promotes the development of the whole child, a wide range of learning experiences, partnerships with the community and the integration of technology within the curriculum. Our school provides a positive, inviting, safe and caring climate.
Our Students
Osgoode P.S. has an enrolment of 279 students who are actively engaged in their learning. Our enrolment is increasing each year with the gradual addition of grades in the French Immersion program and the continual growth of new students in the English program.
Our Staff
Osgoode Public School has 1 Principal, 2 Office Staff, 33 Teaching Staff, 2.5 Educational Assistants, 2 Custodial Staff, and 1 Library Technician. Some of our staff work part-time, according to the allotment provided to our school. Staff members have various qualifications and experiences which allow them to challenge the learners to achieve to the best of their ability. Our dedicated staff display a cooperative and caring attitude toward the students.
The planning, organization and delivery of motivating and challenging learning experiences enrich the curriculum, promote school spirit, and help students extend their interests, skills and leadership abilities. We endeavour to prepare students for the 21st century, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and values that will allow them to more easily adapt to changing technologies, to work both independently and collaboratively, to think critically and creatively and to manage resources in an ever changing world. Our staff continue to build a strong professional learning community by continually upgrading training and learning/sharing with each other.
Our Community
Our community is a mix of farmland, small local businesses and parents who commute into the city. It is a growing, vibrant, involved community, with a wide range of recreational opportunities for families. Osgoode P.S. welcomes volunteers. Each year, over 50 parent volunteers participate in school activities, including helping in classrooms, field trips, fundraising, office support, and many other worthwhile ventures. The Osgoode parent community, in general, and the School Council in particular, are very positive and highly supportive of their community school and are strong advocates for all children. The notions of family and community are highly valued at Osgoode P.S.
Mission Statement
At Osgoode Public School we endeavour to develop in all our students social responsibility, positive character traits, critical thinking skills, creativity, academic growth and success and a lifelong love of learning. We encourage, on a daily basis, a welcoming atmosphere of mutual respect in a safe and caring learning environment.
Facilities and Resources
Osgoode Public School was opened in 1956 as a three-room facility. The last addition was completed in 1967. Several upgrades have been done since that time. We have had a permanent two classroom addition built this year to accommodate future grades as the EFI program expands and for overall homeroom space. New fencing has been completed for the Kindergarten Yard and along the walkway to the buses. A library/resource centre houses over 9000 books. The Computer Lab is actively used by students all day long. We have a freshly painted gym with a newly refinished floor and stage. The school yard has two soccer fields, two baseball diamonds, and basketball hoops. There is a large play structure, a kindergarten play structure, and two large sandbox areas. Students use the Stuart Holmes Osgoode Arena for winter skating every February.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
JK to Grade 6 English Program
SK to Grade 6 Early French Immersion Program
English to French Immersion (ETFI) Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6
Classroom Organization
Osgoode Public School now has Full Day Kindergarten. We have a total of 14 homeroom classes: 3 JK/SK FDK classes, a Grade 1/2, Grade 3, Grade 4/5 and Grade 6 in the English program. Our Early French Immersion program has two Grade 1 classes, a Grade 2, a Grade 3 and a Grade 4
a Grade 5 and a Grade 6.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Our half-time Learning Support and half-time Learning Resource Teachers provide remedial support and educational assessments for the academic progress of our Special Education students or those who have Individual Education Plans. Osgoode P.S. has 2.5 full-time Educational Assistants who are committed to providing support and organizational skills development to our exceptional students. Our school has access to OCDSB support services in Speech and Language, Occupational & Physical Therapy, Social Work, and Psychology. This year we have implemented the Empower Reading Program, delivered by our Learning Support Teacher.
Clubs and Activities
- Noon Hour Sports program
- Participation in Regional Sports Tournaments
- Skating for all students in February
- Monthly School Spirit Days
- Cross Country in October
- Soccer Boys and Girls Teams
- Volleyball Boys and Girls Teams
- Track and Field in June
- Winter and Spring play days
- Weekly Hot Lunch days
- Daily Milk program
- Many class field trips
- Lunch and Milk Monitors
- “Green” initiatives (recycling, lights off, etc.)
- Skipping Club
- Chess Club
- Homework Club
- Jump Rope for Heart
- Swim to Survive Program (Grade 3)
- Students’ Birthday announced and acknowledged
Safe Schools Initiatives
- Safe Arrival Program
- Conflict Resolution Skills
- Allergy Safe School (no nuts)
- Daily attention to implementation of the Code of Conduct
Our school Code of Behaviour for safe schools is based on 7 Key concepts for a Safe and Caring School.
- Osgoode School is a safe and caring school.
- By working together, we can build a safe and caring school.
- In our safe and caring school, we show respect and consideration for others.
- In our safe and caring school, we are responsible for our choices and the consequences of our actions.
- In our safe and caring school, we have rights and responsibilities.
- In our safe and caring school we develop good communication skills.
- In our safe and caring school, we develop healthy relationships.