School Info


We look forward to working with parents/guardians to provide a positive learning experience for all of our students. The purpose of these introductory pages is to provide general information for parents/guardians and students to use as a reference throughout the year.

School Hours

Our instructional day begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 2:45 p.m. Supervision on the yard begins at 8:00 a.m. and only the bus loading area is supervised after school. It is important that students arrive on the yard between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. and leave promptly at 2:45 p.m. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and our front doors are locked at 3:30 p.m.

 Vehicles at School

All students are encouraged to walk/ride/scooter to school as a healthy alternative to being driven. All students who are eligible for busing are encouraged to take the bus to enhance safety at school by reducing the traffic. Please remember that the parking spaces in our parking lot are for staff only.

The DROP ZONE on Main Street provides a safe location for your child to independently exit the vehicle and make their way to the yard.  

Nutrition Breaks

Our schedule is a “balanced day”, where students have approximately 20 minutes to eat at each of the two nutritional breaks (10:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.). Please be sure to send portions for both breaks and a water bottle. In an effort to be environmentally friendly, OPS promotes “litter-less lunches”. Students are encouraged to use reusable containers and minimize packaging in their lunches. All left over lunch is returned home in lunch boxes to assist families with recycling and in being aware of their child’s eating habits at school.

Attendance Procedures

Please inform the school if your child will be late arriving or absent for any reason, using the new School Messenger Safe Arrival System. Children are always signed in and out from the office. If there are changes to your child’s drop-off or pick-up routine, please inform the teacher in writing. It is very challenging to accommodate last minute changes.

Extended student absences (15 days and greater) require a written note to the school. The note should include the child’s name, teacher, date of departure, reason for absence and expected date of return. Without this note, your child will be withdrawn from our records as per Ministry guidelines.

Late Arrival

Students arriving late must enter the school through the main entrance, and obtain an admit slip. Our goal is for instruction to begin as soon as possible in the morning and late arrivals can disrupt the learning of the entire class.

Bus Cancellations

Occasionally, severe winter conditions cause a transportation shutdown. Please listen to the local radio stations: Majic 100, CFRA and TV stations, such as CTV news, CJOH and A-Channel’s School Bus Monitor Section for bulletins on bus cancellations. The most up to date information is available on the Ontario Student Transportation Authority website at You can also check the board website at The school building normally remains open and if parents/guardians opt to drive their child to school, they MUST return to pick them up at dismissal time (2:45 p.m.)

School Bus Safety

The school bus is an extension of the school and the same behaviour expectations are in place for this privilege. The best way to insure safety on the bus is to remain seated, use a quiet voice, and listen to the driver. There is a shared responsibility for appropriate behaviour and bus incident reports from the driver will be sent home to parents/guardians for assistance. At times, bus privileges are removed for a period of time to assure the safety of all students and drivers.

Only certain equipment is allowed on school vehicles. Ice skates must be kept on the floor at the student’s feet and carried in a sports bag; parents/guardians are expected to transport bulky items such as projects or sports equipment to and from school.


If your child is eligible for busing, please be aware of the following:
  • only OSTA (Ottawa Student Transportation Authority) has the authority to change bus stops/routes- and requests should be made to them directly at 613-224-8800;
  • requests to change busing arrangements (e.g. your child is only taking the morning bus) must be given to the school office in writing;
  • students are not permitted to take a bus for play dates, etc.;
  • Kindergarten children must be met by an adult at the bus stop.  A yellow tag identifying them as a Kindergarten student will be affixed to their back pack for the driver’s benefit; and
  • students are prohibited from going on a bus other than their regular bus route.

Emergency Contact Information

Up-to-date information enables us to contact you in case of an emergency. Kindly inform the school office in writing of any changes to email addresses and/or telephone numbers of home, work and/or emergency contact(s).

Medical Conditions Requiring an Epi-Pen

Parents/guardians of children with a serious medical condition that requires the use of an Epi-Pen must have the appropriate forms completed. The new Electronic Form called Plan of Care should be filled out by the Parent every new school year. This form can be found on the Board website at

Medical Conditions and Administration of Medication

It is primarily a parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to administer medication. We encourage parents/guardians to arrange the timing of medication doses so that they can be given at home. When it is necessary to give medication at school, we require a new Electronic form  to be completed. This form is called Handling of Prescribed Medication for students with non-life threatening conditions. This form can be found on the Board website at

Concussion Management

The OCDSB has instituted a new protocol for the management of concussions that occur either inside or outside the school. If your child is suspected of suffering from a concussion, it is recommended that you seek medical attention. Documentation of this is required in order to develop a “return to learn” plan.

Inclement Weather

Students usually go outdoors for recess and are expected to be dressed for the weather (i.e., sweaters, boots, splash pants, hats, mittens, snow pants). An extra pair of socks is always a good way to deal with puddles. We use up-to-date weather information to determine if we will be inside or outside for recess. On cold days, if the temperature (with wind chill) is -25 degrees Celsius, we remain indoors. Students are encouraged to keep a selection of quiet activities (e.g., cards, game, book, paper and pencils) in their back packs or classrooms for use during inclement weather days. 

School Library

Students are scheduled to visit the library regularly with their class and can borrow books for two weeks at a time. Books need to be returned each week so that your child can continue to borrow books from the library. Every child is asked to bring a bag to carry and protect their library books. In the case of lost or damaged books, we ask students (parents/guardians) to pay for their replacement.


When a concern arises about any aspect of your child’s life at school, the homeroom teacher is the best first contact. The homeroom teacher knows your child best and can usually clarify a situation for you or refer you to the appropriate person (e.g., coach, learning support staff). Each teacher will likely have a preferred method of communication, but the note tote, agenda or email are generally easier than leaving a phone message.

It can be difficult to reach a teacher throughout the day as most teachers are engaged in preparation or in meetings before and after school, it is recommended to request an appointment to avoid disappointment. If matters are not resolved, please do not hesitate to contact the principal. 

Photographing Students

At the beginning of the year, parents/guardians will be asked to complete a media permission form. This will indicate if your child can be photographed at school. In order to respect the wishes of all families, students and parents/guardians are not to photograph others in assemblies or while on school property. We also request that authorized photos (e.g., class photos) not be posted on the internet. 

Lost and Found

Please label all clothing/possessions with first and last names. We have a Lost & Found area in the hallway and students are encouraged to check for lost items.


Students use a variety of technologies to enhance their learning  (Chromebooks, iPads). The signed Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement applies to the use of any technology as part of school. In cases where students fail to follow the rules outlined in the agreement, progressive discipline measures will apply, including the possible withdrawal of access to technology.

Dogs on the Yard

Please understand that even the friendliest dog may frighten a young child. In keeping with OCDSB policy, dogs are not permitted on school property unless it is a Service Dog. 

Wheels on the Yard

Children who bike, roller blade, scooter or skateboard to school are reminded to wear a properly fitted CSA approved helmet. All ‘wheels’ are to be walked or carried on the playground.


Students are discouraged from bringing collectibles, games, and special personal items to school. This would include Personal Electronic Devices that are not for instructional purposes. These items can go missing or get broken, causing distress to students and families. For safety reasons, laser pointers and aerosol cans are not permitted on school premises.

Field Trips

Students will receive a field trip permission form for every activity that is off school property. Parent/guardian signature on the field trip form is required (phone calls or hand written notes cannot be accepted). On occasion, monies collected for such special activities do not cover costs, while other times the amount collected exceeds the cost by a minimal amount. In this case, surpluses are applied to a similar activity in the future. To ensure financial hardship does not exclude a child’s participation, subsidies are available. Please contact the principal in confidence. 

Student Dress Code

Code of Conduct

Everyone has a right to be and feel safe in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility for everyone to be accountable for their actions and contribute to a positive school climate. The Ontario Code of Conduct sets out standards of behaviour for all students, parents/guardians, teachers, volunteers and staff in publicly funded schools. The code applies whether on school property, on school buses, at school-authorized events or activities that happen outside of school but might have an impact on the school (e.g. social media).

Participation in Team Sports

Since sports teams are extracurricular clubs, participation is a privilege to be earned. When coaches make final team decisions, they take into consideration the student’s skill and abilities in the particular sport. However, a large part of the decision also rests on knowing that the student has fulfilled her/his academic expectations and demonstrated an ability to follow the Code of Conduct. We are looking for positive role models to make Osgoode proud.

Bully Prevention and Intervention

Our Safe and Caring assemblies promote a positive school climate and the development of character traits that develop healthy relationships. OPS staff teach students about the types of bullying as well as strategies to deal with bullying situations as part of the health curriculum for each grade. 

The Education Act defines bullying as: use of written, verbal, electronic or other form of expression, a physical act or gesture or any combination of them that is directed at an individual that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) harm, fear or distress to another individual, including psychological harm or harm to the individual’s reputation and the behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, race, disability or the receipt of special education.

Communication is essential in dealing with issues of bullying. All reports are investigated and follow up is dependent on the outcome of the investigation. We work in partnership with parents/guardians of all students involved in bullying situations.

Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline is an approach that promotes positive student behavior and enables the staff to choose the appropriate consequences to address inappropriate behaviour. It is a whole school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports and consequences and builds upon strategies to promote positive behaviours. As caring educators, we recognize that punishment alone seldom produces positive changes in behaviour. Responsible behaviour is encouraged when children are given opportunities to take corrective action and/or experience consequences. Interventions may include: 

  • redirection (practice correct behaviour)
  • verbal reminder and review of the expectation
  • restorative activity (e.g. peer mediation, apology letter)
  • self-reflection activity
  • behaviour chart
  • community service (work relating to improving the school climate)
  • withdrawal of privileges, recess, special or extra-curricular activities
  • in-school sanction (withdrawal from class)
  • suspension (withdrawal from school)
  • expulsion (withdrawal from the OCDSB) 

Suspensions are considered if a student has engaged in any of the activities listed below. Mitigating factors (e.g. age, risk) will also be considered. Please see PR.511.SCO and PR.660.SCO on the board website for further detail.

  • uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person;
  • possessing alcohol or illegal drugs;
  • being under the influence of alcohol;
  • swearing at a teacher or another person in a position of authority;
  • committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property or to property located on the premises of the student’s school;
  • bullying;
  • any other activity under a policy of the Board (e.g. causing bodily harm requiring medical attention, persistent opposition to authority, profane or improper language, conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school) 

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